Eng | Рус
Songs from an Evil Wood
- There is no wrath in the stars,
- They do not rage in the sky;
- I look from the evil wood
- And find myself wondering why.
- Why do they scream out
- And grapple star against star,
- Seeking for blood in the wood,
- As all things round me are?
- They do not glare like the sky
- Or flash like the deeps of the wood;
- But they shine softly on
- In their sacred solitude.
- To their happy haunts
- Silence from us has flown,
- She whom we loved of old
- And know it now she is gone.
- When will she come again
- Though for one second only?
- She whom we loved is gone
- And the whole world is lonely.
- Somewhere lost in the haze
- The sun goes down in the cold,
- And birds in this evil wood
- Chirrup home as of old;
- Chirrup, stir and are still,
- On the high twigs frozen and thin.
- There is no more noise of them now,
- And the long night sets in.
- Of all the wonderful things
- That I have seen in the wood,
- I marvel most at the birds,
- At their chirp and their quietude.
- For a giant smites with his club
- All day the tops of the hill,
- Sometimes he rests at night,
- Oftener he beats them still.
- And a dwarf with a grim black mane
- Raps with repeated rage
- All night in the valley blow
- On the wooden walls of his cage.
- And the elder giants come
- Sometimes, tramping from far,
- Through the weird and flickering light
- Made by an earthly star.
- And the giant with his club,
- And the dwarf with rage in his breath,
- And the elder giants from far,
- They are the children of Death.
- They are all abroad to-night
- And are breaking the hills with their brood,
- And the birds are all asleep,
- even in Plugstreet Wood.
-from Fifty Poems.